Ask a Pol UAPs
Ask a Pol UAPs
EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Jamie Raskin says UFO investigation "a far more valuable use of our time then this faux impeachment investigation"

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Jamie Raskin says UFO investigation "a far more valuable use of our time then this faux impeachment investigation"

Ep. 56 — Rep. Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on House Oversight, left the July 26 hearing with more questions for whistleblower David Grusch (9-14-2023)
Rep. Jamie Raskin studies material ahead of UFO whistleblower David Grusch’s House Oversight Committee testimony July 26. Photo: Matt Laslo

When Congress first returned from its August recess, we asked Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) if there was any update, because he left the House Oversight Committee’s UFO investigation in July demanding answers that whistleblower David Grusch testified he could only discuss in a classified setting.

“Oh, yeah. I don't know what's happening with that. I'll find out,” Raskin promised Ask a Pol on Sept. 14. “I think that was certainly a far more valuable use of our time then this faux impeachment investigation."

Raskin’s the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, and we promise to circle back with him soon because he left the July 26th hearing with lots of lingering questions for Grusch and others.

THROWBACK: Raskin leaving UFO hearing on July 26

“It seemed like sometimes Mr. Grusch could testify freely and in detail, and then other times he didn’t. So I would be interested to hear more fulsome testimony in a SCIF [sensitive compartmented information facility],” Raskin told us in July. “I can assure you from what members were saying that there will be a meeting in the SCIF with him to go over all those questions that remain unanswered.”


Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. and founder of Ask a Pol — the people-powered press corps. 

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