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EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Bob Menendez on whistleblower David Grusch: "UAP?"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Bob Menendez on whistleblower David Grusch: "UAP?"

Ep. 157 — Sen. Bob Menendez (7-26-2023)
US Capitol Police officer on Senate side of US Capitol. Photo: Matt Laslo

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive — and short! — interview with Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on UFO whistleblower David Grusch, slightly edited for clarity.

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LISTEN: Laslo & Bob Menendez



TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Bob Menendez (7-26-2023)

Asked Menendez about Grusch the day before, but the Senate tram was closing so he couldn’t hear the question.

Matt Laslo: “Hey how are you sir. Random one I asked you yesterday. Have you heard of, has this UAP-UFO whistleblower, David Grusch, been on your radar at all?”

Bob Menendez: “UAP?”

ML: “UFOs. UAPS — it’s the new…”

BM: “No, no, no, no.”

ML: “Yeah? He testified in the House today, and Intel’s looking into him. You should talk to [Intel Chair Mark] Warner or [Intel Vice-Chair Marco] Rubio about him.”

BM: “Okay. Okay.”

ML: “It’s all classified, so I’m not allowed to know anything.”

BM: “Well, you seem to know more than I do!”

Menendez laughs.

ML: “Right? Preciate ya, sir.”

BM: “Alright.”

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Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps, asking your questions at the Capitol. @Ask_a_Pol (or @askpols).

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You watch the skies, we watch lawmakers. Veteran Washington correspondent Matt Laslo takes you inside the US Capitol as he pesters politicians with your questions! Ship them in to Laslo at