Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Liked by Matt Laslo


Don’t run for public office if you can’t handle hard questions.

This solidifies my opinion of this mother fucker. I’m willing to give people a chance, but he fell straight through here.

The USG has two branches and that doesn’t mean you can ignore a question just because you’re apart of the more “prestigious” one.

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That's the thing: They're the lower chamber. So like, the high and mighty (on paper) senators are all over it and open (well, that's a stretch....but you get point...) enough about their investigation.

Turner's likely counting gold bars....

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I read the post while drinking way too much last night. Just now realizing Turner is a rep and not a senator 😂

Wouldnt be surprised if turner is counting his gold bars that were given to him by Lockheed’s CEO

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Matt Laslo

please keep pressure on him and continue to ask questions to him about this topic. It appears that he is trying to help block the Schumer legislation in the House. Really appreciate all that you do Matt!!

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Apr 4Liked by Matt Laslo

Man, I didn’t realize how bad DC was until I started paying attention to the UAP topic and man does it feel corrupted worse than I thought. Excellent work again Matt!

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It's always worse than it seems. Sigh.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Matt Laslo

Hey Matt did you ever ask the senators of Michigan If they saw the video of the unidentified object that got shot down I know you asked the Alaska senator but I don’t about the Michigan one.

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On it!

Great tip. And kicking myself for not having it on my list already. Cheers!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Matt Laslo

Let everyone know what he may do to the UAP legislation!

True or not!

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