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Sen. Jack Reed on his crypto bill w/ Warner: "we don’t have any schedule yet or hearing"

Sen. Jack Reed on his crypto bill w/ Warner: "we don’t have any schedule yet or hearing"

Ep. 10 — Sen. Jack Reed (3-6-2024)


Jack Reed (D-RI) — Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Services

Ask a Pol asked:

“Are you expecting to see any action on your cryptocurrency bill with Sen. [Mark] Warner this year?”

Key Reed: 

“We’re trying to get cosponsors and develop possible support. But we don’t have any schedule yet or hearing.”


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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Jack Reed

Matt Laslo: “Are you expecting to see any action on your cryptocurrency bill with Sen. [Mark] Warner this year?”

Jack Reed: “We’re trying to get cosponsors and develop possible support, but we don’t have any schedule yet — a hearing or a vote.”

ML: “It just doesn’t feel like there’s attention on the topic here?”

JR: “Well, there’s a lot of…”

Reed heads to open Senators Only elevator.

JR: “Excuse me.”

ML: “Yeah.”

Matt Laslo covers tech politics for WIRED, lectures on technology’s impact on government at Johns Hopkins and is the founder of Ask a Pol — a new people-powered press corps. @MattLaslo / @AskaPol_crypto

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.

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