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Sen. Tim Kaine on AI Deepfakes in election: “Pretty nervous about this"

Sen. Tim Kaine on AI Deepfakes in election: “Pretty nervous about this"

Ep. 4 — Sen. Tim Kaine (1-23-2024)
Stairs leading up to the United States Senate. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA)

Ask a Pol asks:

“Do you think we’ll see any Senate action on deepfakes ahead of the election now we’re in the midst?”

Key Kaine: 

“Pretty nervous about this,” Kaine told Ask a Pol. “Because of Biden robocall, the fake Biden robocall. I haven’t heard discussion of Senate action about it. But I think all of us paid a lot of attention to that, and we have members who’ve been warning about it for a while.”


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LISTEN: Laslo & Kaine



TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Tim Kaine

Matt Laslo: “Do you think we’ll see any Senate action on deepfakes ahead of the election now we’re in the midst?”

Tim Kaine: “Pretty nervous about this…”

ML: “Right?”

TK: “…this Biden robocall, the fake Biden robocall. I haven’t heard discussion of Senate action about it, but I think all of us paid a lot of attention to that. And we have members who’ve been warning about it for a while.”

ML: “Yeah, but now we’re in the midst of the election, makes it harder, right?”

TK: “Well, I mean, it can affect either side, but I’ve just not heard of legislative action.”

ML: “Yeah. Preciate ya.”

Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.

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