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“That's pretty good," Rep. Byron Donalds when asked if GOP campaigning on "F*** Joe Biden," not GOP record in House

“That's pretty good," Rep. Byron Donalds when asked if GOP campaigning on "F*** Joe Biden," not GOP record in House

Ep. 17 — Rep. Byron Donalds (4-19-2024)
Rep. Byron Donalds speaks with reporters in the Old House Chamber the day Rep. Mike Johnson became Speaker Mike Johnson (2023). Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL)

LISTEN: Laslo & Donalds


Ask a Pol asks:

Sounds like your guy's pitch in November isn’t, ‘Hey, re-elect us because we can govern’ — it's, ‘Hey, fuck Biden’?

Key Donalds : 

“That's pretty good. I think they call that FJB,” Rep. Byron Donalds tells Ask a Pol. “Listen, I'll tell you this — Joe Biden is the master of disaster…”

Donalds full response is below.

LISTEN: Full extended gaggle w/ Donalds


Caught our ear:

“I don’t agree with Marjorie [Taylor Greene]. I think this is a bad move. We should not do this, but, then again, I disagreed with Matt [Gaetz]. We shouldn't have done this with [former Speaker Kevin] McCarthy. That was a bad move. We shouldn’t have done that,” Donalds says.

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The Byron Donalds exchange didn’t make the piece, but it would have if Laslo hadn’t filed the piece the night before…

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Byron Donalds

SCENERep. Byron Donalds is taking questions from the congressional press corps on the steps of the US Capitol after Speaker Mike Johnson advanced the foreign aid package for Ukraine relying on Democrat’s votes to advance it Friday.

Byron Donalds: “…unfortunate for the American people.”

Matt Laslo: “Sounds like your guy's pitch in November isn’t, ‘Hey, re-elect us because we can govern’ — it's, ‘Hey, fuck Biden’?”

BD: “That's pretty good.”

Press corps and Donalds laugh.

BD: “I think they call that FJB. Listen, I'll tell you this — Joe Biden is the master of disaster. Turn on your TV, ladies and gentlemen, and just take a look. Read five articles and you will see. Go to the grocery store and you will understand. He is the master of disaster. And a Republican majority is significantly better than him being in charge of Washington, DC. Period.” 

Another reporter asks a question…before Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Donalds exchange some friendly banter.

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Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.  


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