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Andy Harris says if Chinese mafia infiltrated Okla. marijuana: “It'll only get worse if you make it legal”

Andy Harris says if Chinese mafia infiltrated Okla. marijuana: “It'll only get worse if you make it legal”

Ep. 20 — Rep. Andy Harris (3-22-2024)
US Capitol Rotunda. Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) — Appropriations Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Harris


Ask a Pol asked:

Have you seen this new report from ProPublica out of Oklahoma on the Chinese mafia turning the state’s legal medical marijuana marketplace into a deadly, illegal black market cannabis exporter?

Key Harris: 

“Ohh, yeah-yeah,” Harris exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “I do understand that the Chinese are involved in the illegal marijuana market. No surprise.”


But is the problem because it's illegal or is the problem because it's not regulated?

Harris claims:

“It'll only get worse if you make it legal,” Harris said.


Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), slightly edited for clarity.

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TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Andy Harris

Matt Laslo: “Have you seen this new study out of Oklahoma on marijuana?”

Andy Harris: “Out of where?”

ML: “Oklahoma. It's terrifying. I guess, like, the Chinese mafia has bought up a bunch of their stuff…”

AH: “Ohh, yeah-yeah.”

ML: “…and then it becomes black market to New York and elsewhere.”

AH: “I do understand that the Chinese are involved in the illegal marijuana market. No surprise.”

ML: “But is the problem because it's illegal or is the problem because it's not regulated?”

AH: “It'll only get worse if you make it legal.”

ML: “Yep? ‘Preciate ya.”

Matt Laslo’s covered drug policy for Playboy, Rolling Stone, VICE News Tonight, Daily Beast, VICE News, etc. He’s also a new media prof. & the founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol. Follow us: @AskaPol_drugs

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