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Does the US war on drugs destabilize Latin America? “I’m not quite sure what you are asking," Sen. Crapo

Does the US war on drugs destabilize Latin America? “I’m not quite sure what you are asking," Sen. Crapo

Ep. 13 — Sen. Mike Crapo (1-25-2024)
US Capitol Police officers. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID)

Ask a Pol asked:

Do you think American drug policy has played a role at all in destabilizing these countries that are bleeding people into the United States now?

Key Crapo: 

“I’m not quite sure, what you are asking,” Crapo told Ask a Pol. “I don’t have an opinion on it.


LISTEN: Laslo & Crapo


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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Mike Crapo

SCENE: Crapo’s scooting through the basement of the US Capitol where he runs into Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo.

Matt Laslo: “Has, um…”

Mike Crapo: “I gotta keep moving fast.”

ML: “Yeah. In these immigration talks, has the war on drugs come up at all?”

MC: “On the what?”

ML: “Has the war on drugs come up at all?”

MC: “You know, I honestly don’t know what’s going on in the negotiations. You mean the Lankford discussions?”

ML: “Yeah.”

MC: “I don’t know.”

Sen. Crapo laughs.

ML: “Fair. But I’m just curious in general.”

MC: “I mean, I honestly don’t know. But, if your question is…

ML: “But you think the war on…”

MC: “…is the fentanyl making across the border an issue, that I do know is an issue.”

ML: “But do you think American drug policy has played a role at all in destabilizing these countries that are bleeding people?”

MC: “American drug policy?”

ML: “Yeah.”

MC: “You mean, open border policy?”

ML: “No. Just our anti-drug policy. No?”

MC: “I’m not quite sure what you are asking, but — so I don’t have an opinion on it.”

ML: “Fair! Preciate ya.”

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