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EXCLUSIVE: Banking Chair Sherrod Brown says SAFER Banking “a high priority”

EXCLUSIVE: Banking Chair Sherrod Brown says SAFER Banking “a high priority”

Ep. 16 — Sen. Sherrod Brown learns about the vice president's marijuana summit from Ask a Pol, and says he's never discussed SAFER with the VP (3-21-2024)
Senate side of the US Capitol. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) — Chair, Senate Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs Committee

LISTEN: Sen. Sherrod Brown


Ask a Pol asked:

How big of a priority is taking up the SAFER Banking Act in this Congress?

Key Brown: 

It’s a high priority,” Brown exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “[Senate Majority Leader Chuck] Schumer wants to do it. I want to do it. [Ranking Republican Sen. Tim] Scott's not up for it, but plenty of members of the committee are.”


Vice President Kamala Harris’ marijuana summit? 

“I don't make much of it, because I didn’t know about it,” Brown says.

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Ever talked to the Vice President about SAFER?

“I’ve actually not,” Chair Brown tells Ask a Pol.

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), slightly edited for clarity.

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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Sherrod Brown

SCENE: Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo is exiting a Senate elevator in the Capitol’s basement as Chair Brown and a staffer are entering the elevator, so Laslo tells Brown he’s staying on for their ride as he turns his mic on.

Matt Laslo: “Going back up.”

Sherrod Brown: “What an honor.”

They laugh.

ML: “What do you…”

A Senate attendant directs traffic — “head to the left” — outside the bank of elevators in the Capitol basement.

ML: “Vice President Harris, have you ever talked to her about SAFER Banking?”

SB: “I’ve actually not.”

ML: “What’d you make of her marijuana summit?”

SB: “Her what?”

ML: “She had a marijuana summit last Friday.”

SB: “I didn’t know about it.”

ML: “No?”

SB: “So I guess I don't make much of it, because I didn’t know about it.”

ML: “Did you…”

SB: “We passed legalization in Ohio, as you know, by a wide margin.”

ML: “How big of a priority is SAFER?”

SB: “It’s a high priority.”

ML: “Yeah?”

SB: “Schumer wants to do it. I want to do it. [Ranking Republican Sen. Tim] Scott's not up for it, but plenty of members of the committee are.”

Brown talking to his aide as they reach the Senate chamber.

SB: “I’ll be right here.”

Brown aide: “Alright, meet you over there.”

Brown heads in to cast a vote.

ML: “Preciate ya.”

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Matt Laslo’s covered drug policy for Playboy, Rolling Stone, VICE News Tonight, Daily Beast, VICE News, etc. He’s also a new media prof. & the founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol. @AskaPol_drugs 

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