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EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Steve Daines: Marijuana expungements "should be more of a state issue"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Steve Daines: Marijuana expungements "should be more of a state issue"

Ep. 24 — Sen. Steve Daines discusses cannabis, one of the main substances that's fueled America's 50+ year ‘war on drugs’ (4-17-2024)
Sen. Steve Daines (2nd from right) — who chairs Senate Republican’s campaign arm, the NRSC — waiting with other GOP leaders as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell addresses the congressional press corps. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT)

  • Chair, National Republican Senatorial Committee (aka NRSC)

  • Member, Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs and Finance Committees

LISTEN: Laslo & Daines


Ask a Pol asks:

What are your thoughts on expungement when it comes to marijuana?

Key Daines: 

“I think that should be more of a state issue,” Sen. Steve Daines exclusively tells Ask a Pol

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT), slightly edited for clarity.


TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Steve Daines

Matt Laslo: “What are your thoughts on expungement when it comes to marijuana?”

Steve Daines: “In the context of…?”

ML: “People who are in prison now for what I legally grow in my backyard.”

Ask a Pol founder and prof. Matt Laslo’s garden some 2 miles from the US Capitol. Photo: Matt Laslo

ICYMI — Ask a Pol’s exclusive w/ Rep. Steve Daines on SAFER banking 

SD: “Yeah. I think it’s something that the states should have a voice in that.”

ML: “Yeah? Well, cause some people, at least on the left, want the Feds to do something on that so that it’s not left up to the states. But, yeah?”

SD: “Yeah. I think that should be more of a state issue.”

ML: “Yup. Preciate ya.”

Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.  

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