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Ask a Pol politics
Hakeem Jeffries mum when asked about member's of AOC's 'Squad' facing primaries this cycle

Hakeem Jeffries mum when asked about member's of AOC's 'Squad' facing primaries this cycle

Ep. 9 — Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (2-7-2024)


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) — US House Minority Leader

LISTEN: Laslo & Jeffries


Ask a Pol asks:

Members of ‘The Squad’ are getting primaried this election cycle, what do you make of those challenges? I know last year you met with [Rep.] AOC and [Rep. Jamaal] Bowman, kinda had a come-to-Jesus moment in New York with the progressives. What role do they play in the party, and are you worried about those races?


Key Jeffries: 

“I have made several endorsements of a variety of different members of the House Democratic Caucus to date, and will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come,” Jeffries replied.

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Go Deeper:

This Pressley interview informed Matt Laslo’s feature ‘Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Squad’ dying?’ which was published by Raw Story.

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s interview with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

Matt Laslo: “I wanted to ask you, members of the Squad are getting primaried. What do you make of those challenges? I know last year you met with [Rep.] AOC and [Rep. Jamaal] Bowman, kinda had a come-to-Jesus moment in New York with the progressives. What role do they play in the party, and are you worried about those races?”

Hakeem Jeffries: “I have made several endorsements of a variety of different members of the House Democratic Caucus to date, and will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come.”

ML: “Preciate ya.”

Other reporters continue chasing Jeffries.

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