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Sen. Cruz on TikTok: “I would expect that we would take up and mark up the House bill"

Sen. Cruz on TikTok: “I would expect that we would take up and mark up the House bill"

Ep. 5 — Sen. Ted Cruz (3-14-2024)

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) — Ranking Republican, Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Cruz


Ask a Pol asks:

Any thoughts on this TikTok for sale measure?

Key Cruz: 

“I do. I have serious concerns about TikTok that I expressed at length. And now that the House has passed it, the Senate will surely take it up. I expect we will have a markup in the Commerce Committee. I think that’s the best way to proceed,” Cruz said.


Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), slightly edited for clarity.


Matt Laslo: “How are you, sir?”

Ted Cruz: “Good. How about you?”

ML: “Any thoughts on this TikTok for sale measure?”

TC: “I do. I have serious concerns about TikTok that I expressed at length. And now that the House has passed it, the Senate will surely take it up. I expect we will have a markup in the Commerce Committee. I think that’s the best way to proceed.”

ML: “On your own separate measure?”

TC: “I would expect that we would take up and mark up the House bill.”

ML: “Interesting.”

TC: “It passed with overwhelming votes. We ought to consider it.”

ML: “Interesting. You haven’t talked to [Commerce Chair Maria] Cantwell about it?”

TC: “I haven’t.”

ML: “Interesting. I’m looking for her on it. Is she in agreement?”

TC: “I would say there’s no decision has been made at this point.”

ML: “Cause I’m curious, cause [Majority Leader] Schumer seems to not bring anything to the floor if Silicon Valley’s involved.”

TC: “I have no idea what Schumer wants to do on this one.”

ML: “Yeah? Me neither.”

TC: “He’s stayed completely silent. I gotta go.”

ML: “Yup. I’ll be watching. ‘Preciate you, sir.”

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