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Sen. Mark Kelly: "I'd like to get [SAFER] across the finish line"

Sen. Mark Kelly: "I'd like to get [SAFER] across the finish line"

Ep. 41 — Sen. Mark Kelly (5-8-2024)
Sen. Mark Kelly chats with reporters while riding the tram underneath the Capitol back to his Senate office across the street. Photo: Matt Laslo


Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ)

LISTEN: Laslo & Kelly


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Ask a Pol asks:

What do you make of the DEA moving to reschedule marijuana?

Key Kelly: 

“Haven't given it a lot of thought,” Sen. Mark Kelly exclusively tells Ask a Pol

Expunging records as part of SAFER?

“I'd like to, y’know, get the legislation across the finish line now,” Kelly told us. 

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Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Mark Kelly

SCENE: Sen. Kelly is walking through the basement of the US Capitol when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo runs into him.

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Matt Laslo: “How are you, sir?”

Mark Kelly: “Good.”

ML: “What do you make of the DEA moving on…”

MK: “What?”

ML: “What do you make of the DEA moving to reschedule marijuana?”

MK: “Haven't given it a lot of thought.”

ML: “No? Have you looked at the SAFER Banking Act?”

MK: “Oh, yeah. I'm a sponsor.”

ML: “Supportive? Yeah?”

MK: “Yeah.”

ML: “Does the clemency...”

MK: “The what?”

ML: “Does the clemency need to be a part of this? There's increasing calls for clemency.”

MK: “Well, I'd like to, y’know, get the legislation across the finish line now.”

ML: “Yep?”

MK: “But, yeah, I haven't looked at the DEA specifically. Sorry.”

ML: “Yeah? Preciate ya.”

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