Sitemap - 2024 - Ask a Pol

UAP Caucus Co-chair Luna: “We are for sure doing" UFO hearing this fall led by new, female chair

Sen. Risch on marijuana: "We’re just not into that sort of thing” in Idaho

At RNC, Rep. Grothman dismisses Ask a Pol's UAP hearing question: "We’re thinking about the election"

Rep. Burlison: Detection tech is classified but AARO says "there’s nothing top secret about extraterrestrial UFOs"

Tim Kaine on DEA rescheduling marijuana: "I'm for it"

Rep. Tim Burchett on next House UAP hearing: "Get ready"

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Todd Young: "I support [SAFER Banking Act]"

Unlike Himes, André Carson says intrusions of US airspace “always a concern" to HPSCI

Sen. Hickenlooper wants marijuana "descheduled, not rescheduled”

Round II — Chair of Grusch hearing: “I think there’ll be a next [UAP] hearing” Sept. or after election

Sen. Murphy supports SAFER Banking; unsure about pardoning past marijuana convictions

Tim Burchett: UFO hearing & new whistleblower protections still in works

"It's a gateway drug" — Sen. Rick Scott blames marijuana, partly, for recent death of his brother

Moskowitz responds to Himes: "We know that there are UAPs they can't explain. Why can't they explain them?”

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Jon Ossoff: "I’m in favor of descheduling cannabis"

Rep. Jim Himes dismisses Senate UAP hearing w/ AARO: "Senators need to get briefed and then move on"

Sen. Murray says "I think it's good" DEA's rescheduling marijuana

EXCLUSIVE — Gillibrand's calling for hearings & Senate vote on Lummis-Gillibrand stablecoin act

Sen. Rounds on UAPDA: "not a whole lot of anything there"

Sen. Britt opposes SAFER Banking but shrugs when asked about DEA rescheduling marijuana

Sen. Gillibrand still on hunt for hidden SAPs: "If there are any programs, we are not read in"

Sen. Van Hollen supports Md. marijuana pardons & wants expungements in SAFER Banking Act

Intel Chair Mark Warner unaware Gillibrand's planning a Senate UAP hearing

Rand Paul: "We're still pushing" the SAFER Banking Act

Luna & Burchett: Next UAP hearing likely to come after August recess

Sen. Cantwell says DEA rescheduling marijuana without Congress "is good"

Garcia on UAPDA: "We have a responsibility to use every single lever that we have in Congress to get information"

Rep. Brad Sherman: Stablecoin measure "needs to have a prohibition of mixers"

EXCLUSIVE — NASA Administrator Bill Nelson: "There could be life out there”

"That’s a question for Chuck Schumer," Sinema says when asked about Senate never voting on marijuana

EXCLUSIVE – Gillibrand: "Probably July" for public UAP hearing in US Senate

Sen. Mark Kelly: "I'd like to get [SAFER] across the finish line"

Burchett: Grusch's list of cooperative & hostile witnesses will "be part of the next hearing"

FULL BILL TEXT: Rep. Robert Garcia introduces UAPDA as NDAA amendment

Rep. Veasey: UAPs absent House NDAA markup (ANNOUNCEMENT: Burchett's back LIVE w/ Laslo THIS WEEK!)

SAFER Banking is "overdue," Sen. Coons says. "We have to harmonize banking laws"

"I set her up," Rep. Burchett gushes after UAP Caucus tag teams Energy Sec. Granholm on UFOs

Sen. Lankford: “Biden’s plan to be able to win the election is to get more people to smoke marijuana”

Reps. Matt Gaetz & Ro Khanna on UAPs & House NDAA markup

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Soto: House passage of FIT Act a "signal” Congress waking up to crypto

Congress aware of all SAPs? "No. I'm not confident yet,” Sen. Rounds says after AARO meeting

Sen. Whip Dick Durbin: "We've got to reconcile" state & federal marijuana laws

Sen. Pete Ricketts: DEA rescheduling marijuana "an absolutely horrible idea"

Chair Grothman on UAP Caucus plan for USO hearing: "they haven't talked to me about it"

Gillibrand: stablecoin bill shelved b/c "McConnell does not want the SAFE Banking Act”

"It wasn't me" — HASC Chair Mike Rogers denies gutting Schumer's UAP amendment

Ron Johnson opposes rescheduling but supports SAFER: "If it’s gonna be legal then might as well let them use the banks"

Sen. Markwayne Mullin "not a fan of" DEA rescheduling marijuana

Rep. Burlison: "we still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for"

Sen. Cornyn: DEA rescheduling marijuana "another example of overreach"

Sen. Warnock supports DEA rescheduling marijuana b/c “whole communities have been decimated" by 'war on drugs'

Rep. Chuy Garcia to Ask a Pol on DEA rescheduling: “You had it right. You had it right. You had it right"

Mike Gallagher: "I still don’t think we have a good explanation for what’s fouling our ranges. I haven’t heard one"

Sen. Ted Budd: "male participation in the workforce, a lot of that decline is due to marijuana usage and the normalization of it”

Hawley giving DEA space on rescheduling, but says "I'm opposed" to SAFER Banking

Luna says UAP Caucus "working on doing something with USO" for next public House hearing — Underwater Submerged Objects

Sen. Warren wants crypto guardrails in marijuana bank bill: “I’ll take it anywhere I can get it"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Gillibrand's informed AARO: "I'd like to have a public hearing this summer"

With DEA rescheduling, Sen. JD Vance worries about marijuana "polluting our public spaces"

"No comment," Carson on Kona Blue. "Then that means they didn’t declassify it all,” Ask a Pol says.

Romney on Trump's RNC takeover: "weakening the party by making it a personal appendage is not a good thing"

Jim Himes: "Congress isn't investigating" incursions over sensitive military sites

Wyden on marijuana: "These are privacy issues and personal liberty questions"

Have you looked into David Grusch’s claims? "No," House Minority Leader Jeffries tells Ask a Pol

Rep. MTG: "I speak for the people, and the people are the party"

UAPs "should be among our highest priorities," Rubio says; not necessarily "aliens, extraterrestrial"

Chair Comer: "I'm going to try to hold [Biden] accountable" during impeachment

Rep. Ogles brushes aside Burlison's claims, says SAPs are “structured to … hide things”

McMorris Rodgers plan to overcome Silicon Valley opposition to data privacy: "educating people"

Rep. Grothman says 2nd public UAP hearing needed because "We don’t have the facts yet"

Sen. Rand Paul upset with FISA reauthorization: "It's a terrible idea"

Sen. Ron Wyden says House conservatives made "extraordinary mistake" to extend FISA w/out reforms

Barbara Lee: No need to pressure Biden admin. on expungements b/c "that's a given"

Maxine Waters shrugs off Lummis-Gillibrand stablecoin bill: "Schumer’s in the lead on that"

Rep. Ayanna Pressley says cannabis effort imperiled by — "chaos and more chaos" — GOP House majority

“That's pretty good," Rep. Byron Donalds when asked if GOP campaigning on "F*** Joe Biden," not GOP record in House

Moskowitz after hearing Burlison react to AARO SCIF briefing: "I’m gonna go talk to him”

Rep. Blumenauer says marijuana "is sort of the sleeper issue of this election"

Sen. Murphy: "I need to take a look at exactly what the administration has done" on crypto

Rep. Andy Ogles says AARO SCIF briefing left him "unimpressed, as usual"

Sen. Tillis on FISA: "a lot of misinformation out there about tens of thousands of US citizens being illegally surveilled"

Garcia says SCIF briefing shone light on AARO's UAP recording process: "I feel like I understand so much more today than I ever did"

Sen. Lummis dismisses Elizabeth Warren's latest crypto warning to Treasury as "a red herring"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Steve Daines: Marijuana expungements "should be more of a state issue"

After SCIF briefing, Rep. Burlison skeptical of UFOs, says China's likely surveilling US — "they're clearly creative about getting information”

Rep. Patrick McHenry: "I’m going back to chair a [committee] hearing"

VIDEO: Rep. Eric Burlison: "My skepticism was probably more validated" in AARO SCIF briefing

UAP Caucus Co-Chairs Luna & Burchett (& Ogles) post-SCIF briefing "nothing burger”

Senior Senate Defense appropriator not sure who funds AARO

Sen. Booker unaware of Customs & Border seizures of locally legal recreational marijuana

Ted Cruz on new, bipartisan privacy bill: "as written, has no chance of passing"

Moskowitz has questions for AARO on David Grusch's clearance, public disclosure & UAPs ("that's what they're in charge of")

Cantwell says her new privacy bill would help ease current FISA deadlock

Sen. Steve Daines: "I think that crypto is the future for financial freedom"

Democrat criticizes Biden marijuana seizures: "let's go after fentanyl. Let's go after the stuff that really hurts people"

Sen. Kelly: UAPs over US bases "very likely to be foreign nationals ... doing surveillance"

Details on next week's AARO SCIF briefing for the UAP Caucus

"I don't know any other way,” AOC says, unfazed w/ attacks on 'The Squad'

Rep. Nancy Mace says "space is no different. Technology’s advancing..."

Rep. Henry Cuellar accuses AOC's Squad of hurting "the brand of the Democratic Party"

Your primary opponent is AIPAC? “Yes,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman tells us

Omar says Biden must reverse Israel course: “If we say we are the party of the people, we have to start listening to the people"

Hakeem Jeffries mum when asked about member's of AOC's 'Squad' facing primaries this cycle

Rep. Pressley says some attacks on 'The Squad' are racist: "It’s nothing new"

Sen. Rounds argues the US should use AI to combat AI deepfakes in the 2024 election

Sen. Cramer on AI deepfakes legislation: "people will act according to what’s in their interest"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Boozman fears crypto's a "systemic risk to the financial system of the country"

When it comes to UAPs, Rep. Andre Carson warns "our adversaries are always listening"

What if DEA reschedules marijuana? “I hadn’t thought about it," top Republican on Senate Ag.

EXCLUSIVE — Five Senate Republicans Dish On Asylum Rights

Elizabeth Warren says TikTok unfairly singled out: "we need rules across the board that apply to all social media"

ARCHIVE: Chair Patrick McHenry on crypto bill: "We’ve been months into this"

Does the US war on drugs destabilize Latin America? “I’m not quite sure what you are asking," Sen. Crapo

Sen. Cantwell on slowing down House TikTok bill: "we are trying something a little more robust & long-term" on data privacy

Sen. Fetterman "agreed with the vast majority of" Schumer's Israel

Tim Burchett says Oversight Chair Comer’s "open" to new UAP Subcommittee

Sen. Cardin on whether Foreign Relations Committee will play role in deepfake legislation: “We might have some interest in that”

Sen. Padilla pushing DEA to reschedule marijuana soon

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. French Hill says Congress will address "regulatory gap" on digital assets in spite of election

SASC Chair Reed says "multiple sightings &...UAPs crossing into secure space over military installations” since May

Sen. Cruz on TikTok: “I would expect that we would take up and mark up the House bill"

UAP subcommittee "unneeded," says Rep. Grothman who chaired David Grusch hearing

Bernie Sanders: "Israel needs new leadership that supports a two-state solution"

Sen. Rounds on UAPs around military sites: "we're not sure where they're coming from"

On Trump's TikTok reversal, Sen. Hawley says "I think he was right the first time"

Sen. Rounds on Pentagon response to UAPs: "if it’s ours, they may not want to address it”

Minority Whip Clark on No Labels' presidential nominating panel: “Doesn’t seem very democratic to me”

Is UAP investigation heating up? “We have a lot of information going to our offices," Luna says

Sen. Gillibrand on stablecoin bill: "we’ve been working with the regulators, but we haven’t socialized it with stakeholders"

Gillibrand: US lacks “ability to detect all these" craft around US bases and nuclear sites

Andy Harris says if Chinese mafia infiltrated Okla. marijuana: “It'll only get worse if you make it legal”

Moskowitz: “[Reid, Schumer, Rubio] — these are not insignificant senators” following UAPs

Booker: 38% prison cut in gov’t funding "contributes to making us less safe as a society"

Jamie Raskin open to Select UAP Committee, says "it would be up to the Republicans"

Sen. Tim Scott refuses to discuss the SAFER Banking Act

Tim Kaine on if gov’t knows what flew over Langley: “don't think I can get into that"

Sen. Cardin says "Schumer laid out a blueprint for peace in the Middle East"

POLL: Which NEW Ask a Pol exclusive interview should we drop first?

Rand Paul on TikTok divestment: “There’s nothing in this that protects your data”

Asked about David Grusch, Senate Intel Chair Mark Warner replies, "Who?"

Sen. Lindsey Graham conflates America's war on drugs with the opioid epidemic

VIDEO: Ask a Pol's Live Listening Session w/ Rep. Eric Burlison & Matt Laslo

EXCLUSIVE: Banking Chair Sherrod Brown says SAFER Banking “a high priority”

Intel Chair Warner on whether military can detect UAPs: “Let me try to get you an answer on that"

Chair Sherrod Brown's waiting for House crypto bill: "they’ve narrowed it, and I’m open to it"

Sen. Heinrich laughs off claim Gaetz & Luna were shown 'bodies' in UAP briefing

Sen. Gillibrand on AARO's new, declassified UAP report: “Haven’t read it yet"

Sen. Hirono says there's more of an imperative to act after Biden deepfake ad

Sen. Todd Young, co-sponsor of UAPDA, says Rounds & Schumer are top Senate negotiators on measure

Sen. Tuberville sees some medical benefits in marijuana but "I’m not for legalizing it, no"

Did Intel Chair Turner or HASC Chair Rogers gut Schumer's UAPDA? “I think it’s both," Rep. Courtney says

Cory Booker on DEA rescheduling marijuana soon: “I have heard a lot about it”

Sen. Rounds on Schumer UAP amendment: "Nothing at this stage ... so early in the process"

Sen. Jack Reed on his crypto bill w/ Warner: "we don’t have any schedule yet or hearing"

Rep. Tim Burchett on new AARO report: "They’re lying to us"

Rep. Lou Correa on Biden admin. & marijuana: "They gotta reschedule it absolutely"

Copy of letter to Speaker Mike Johnson requesting UAP subcommittee

Sen. Rounds on Schumer UAP amendment to NDAA: “not a lot of activity on right now"

Sen. Lummis update on new stablecoin measure w/ Gillibrand: “We’re still working"

Before Kirkpatrick sent to Oak Ridge, Burchett told director: "probably gonna be some research on UFOs"

Will DEA rescheduling marijuana derail SAFER banking? Daines: "I don’t think so"

Rep. Burlison in talks with Speaker Johnson & Oversight Chair Comer for UAP subcommittee

After State of Union, Klobuchar praises FEC deepfake clampdown but says Congress must act

David Grusch in talks with UAP Caucus member about becoming congressional intel. aide

Rep. Maxine Waters on stablecoin sticking point: "Your central bank has got to be involved"

FULL AARO UFO REPORT: Report on the Historical Record of US Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)

Blumenauer on rumors DEA plans to reschedule marijuana: “I think it should be April 20th"

Sen. Susan Collins: "I’m very concerned" about deepfakes in 2024

Intel. Chair Warner says US "safe," even w/ craft "constantly around our military sites," according to Gillibrand

Sen. Cornyn calls 2023 NDAA declassification measure "pretty monumental"

Sen. Jerry Moran on AI: "I’d love to see committees do their work"

Rep. Andy Harris accuses Biden admin. of "changing the FDA rules" on rescheduling marijuana

Khanna went to UAP SCIF briefing b/c "there’s been a lot of interest in it from the media & my constituents"

Sen. Josh Hawley doubts Congress will act on AI deepfakes: “Tech companies, they always get their way here”

Burchett says his UAP meeting with Speaker Johnson “went really well"

Rep. Chuy Garcia on cannabis legalization: "It’s a get-out-the-vote rally cry”

Sen. Tim Kaine on AI Deepfakes in election: “Pretty nervous about this"

Sen. Gillibrand: "I’m very concerned about UAPs...constantly around our military sites"

Sen. Fetterman: Biden admin. making “a mistake" by exempting military from marijuana possession pardons

Sen. Cornyn on Schumer's AI forums: "I don’t think the scare tactics have been particularly useful"

Gillibrand says new stablecoin bill w/ Lummis ready, just "waiting for the House"

UPDATED: Reps. Luna & Gaetz shown "video of bodies," source tells Ask a Pol

Senate declassification 'didn’t survive ... process with House,' Intel Chair Warner says

Rep. Brad Sherman on SEC approval of Bitcoin EFTs: "the right time was 5 years ago"

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Earl Blumenauer on DEA, Biden & SAFER

Oversight Chair Comer: “There are documents that are classified that shouldn’t be"

Rep. Moskowitz on UAP field hearing: "We did get some locations in the classified briefing that are fascinating"

Burchett on Select UAP Committee: "I don’t know if that’s even a possibility"

Fmr. Majority Leader Hoyer on HPSCI under Turner: “This is a definitely unhinged MO"

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Chair of David Grusch Oversight hearing says another UAP hearing may be in store (we know, sir...)

HPSCI member Dan Crenshaw: "There’s public interest in" declassifying Russian space intel

Rep. Bera says Intel members are "resetting" HPSCI; UAPs not on agenda

Rep. Norman says Lue Elizondo "absolutely" corroborated David Grusch

Post-SCIF Burlison says Intel Chair overreacting but agrees on declassification

Rep. Ogles dismisses Intel Chair's ominous warning: "Create a crisis and offer the solution”

EXCLUSIVE — Gillibrand says her 'Classified UAP Briefing' in Jan "wasn’t about UAP"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand reacts to SEC reversal on crypto

Sen. Amy Klobuchar on deepfakes: "This is just going to keep happening"

EXCLUSIVE — Rand Paul says US war on drugs "does" play role in migration surge

EXCLUSIVE — Rubio's frustrated fmr AARO director dismissive of whistleblowers

EXCLUSIVE — Top Dem on House Intel on gutting of Schumer UAP in NDAA: "I don’t think it was us"

House Whip Emmer on SEC crypto about-face: “It's amazing to me. What happened to Gary Gensler?”

EXCLUSIVE — AOC on David Grusch: "The allegations of reprisal and culture is actually a primary concern"

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Luna says UAP Caucus holding field hearing next

EXCLUSIVE — Senate Democratic Whip outsourced deepfakes to Klobuchar for 2024

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Kevin Cramer on crypto: "I leave it up to somebody smarter, somebody else"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Coons on migration and American's "voracious appetite for drugs & ... weapons"

EXCLUSIVE — Intel Chair Warner says AARO UAP report being declassified & should be released "very shortly”

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Gillibrand on AARO's interim director: "The staff didn't know who it was"

ENTIRE LIVE DISCORD — Rep. Eric Burlison LIVE & uncut w/ Ask a Pol

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Burlison live: Intel Chair Mike Turner was NOT in Grusch SCIF briefing

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Elizabeth Warren on SEC's crypto move: "wrong on the legal analysis here, and the policy is terrible"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Lummis on SEC crypto announcement: "I think that this is an indication that Bitcoin has gone mainstream"

EXCLUSIVE — Chair Sherrod Brown “there's too much opposition to SAFER” Banking to add it to tax package

EXCLUSIVE — Bipartisan calls for UFO transparency growing louder in Congress

EXCLUSIVE — Top Democrat on China Select Committee opposes UAP Select Committee

EXCLUSIVE — Post-SCIF, Rep. Burlison says UAP Caucus knows where to look but "it appears ... it's not going to be easy to get access”

EXCLUSIVE — Tim Burchett's frustrated with evasive IG: "I’m tired of that stuff, just give us the answer"

EXCLUSIVE — Nancy Mace says on contractors post-SCIF: "I won't name names, but we have a better sense of who that might be today" (+ Burchett cameo)

We asked 22 US senators if Israel is committing genocide in Gaza

EXCLUSIVE — Moskowitz says in SCIF lawmakers learned "places actually to maybe go” investigate Grusch's claims

EXCLUSIVE — Rep. Luna: "this has been a long-term effort to really keep this information outside of the purview of Congress"

UPDATED — Intel Chair Mike Turner was not in David Grusch SCIF briefing

SNEAK PEAKS: Post- SCIF EXCLUSIVES w/ AOC, Biggs, Garcia, Mace, Waltz & Krishnamoorthi (SUBSCRIBER-ONLY THANK YOU!)

EXCLUSIVES — Reps. Burchett, Luna, Moskowitz & Burlison post classified UFO briefing in SCIF

EXCLUSIVE — Chair Grothman post IG briefing in SCIF: "There’s stuff he didn’t have … It’s very frustrating"

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Heinrich on UFOs: "instead of just being a cultural issue, it's beginning to be a data issue"

EXCLUSIVE — Congressional UAP Caucus in dark ahead of Friday SCIF briefing on David Grusch

100 of 100 US Senators on UFO whistleblower David Grusch

EXCLUSIVE — Sen. Bob Menendez on whistleblower David Grusch: "UAP?"

EXCLUSIVE — Lindsey Graham on David Grusch: "I’m in the phonebook, if aliens want to get a hold of me they can call me"

Sen. Schatz on UFO whistleblower: “could be a game changer or it could be a crank"